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QC of Counting Equipment

January 24, 2024

Among the services OSI offers is the analysis of samples that may contain radioactive materials. These samples are most often:

  • Sealed source leak test samples
  • Contamination samples from workspaces
  • Air samples
  • Radioactive materials and waste package shipments

OSI uses modern Gamma Counters and Liquid Scintillation Counters to analyze samples as a customer service.

OSI is specifically licensed by the State of California to provide sealed source leak testing. We are authorized to collect and analyze samples under license number 5149-37.

OSI is also specifically licensed to provide “final decommissioning services” to other licensees in California. The service involves special on-site testing of facilities and the collection of samples from work surfaces, air ventilation equipment, wastewater lines, and soil if needed.

The equipment used to analyze samples must be reliable. We ensure the reliability of our counting equipment using a Quality Control Testing Program. Acceptable performance is maintained by routine tests of background and NIST traceable reference standards.