ISO 17025 Accredited
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OSI’s Current ISO 17025 Status

April 2, 2021

Occupational Services, Inc. (OSI) received an updated CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION from the ANSI National Accreditation Board after a long audit review this January 2021.  You can view the Certificate and the Scope of our Accreditation at this site: ISO 17025 Accreditation Certificate and Scope

The audit covered the extensive requirements in the most current version of the International Standard ISO/IEC 17025 2017.

The ISO 17025 document contains requirements for laboratories to enable them to demonstrate that they operate competently and can generate valid results. Laboratories that conform to this document also operate generally in accordance with the principles of ISO 9001.

The 2017 version of ISO 17025 has a bigger emphasis on risk, which means OSI is meticulous in executing our Standard Operating Procedures for both radiation detection calibrations and testing of biological safety cabinets and clean rooms.

The 2017 version of ISO 17025 is also more detailed about uncertainty of measurements and the use of Conformance Statements when determining compliance. OSI is much more detailed about the uncertainty of measurement data and in our statements of conformity and decision rules.

Further, OSI sends Measurement & Test Equipment (M&TE) at periodic frequencies to metrology laboratories for calibration. Our metrology laboratory vendors are ISO 17025 accredited and have the scope necessary to calibrate our M&TE.

Maintaining an ISO 17025 accreditation is costly and time consuming, but our service is high quality. Please consider using OSI for your calibration and testing needs.