ISO 17025 Accredited
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Onsite Calibration of Radiation Detection Systems: Handheld Instruments and Waste Monitors at Medical, Radiopharmacy and Cyclotron Facilities.

September 7, 2022

Occupational Services, Inc. (OSI) is licensed to possess and use portable Cs-137 radioactive calibration sources to calibrate radiation instruments.

OSI has provided onsite calibration of radiation detection instruments since May 1988 and now has 675 calibration customers. Customers range from Biotechnology & High Tech Industries to Military facilities, State of California Departments, Fire Departments and Civil Engineers.

OSI has provided sales and servicing of truck radiation monitoring systems at landfills and metal recycling centers for many years. We have skilled and experienced experts for troubleshooting, installation and repair of truck and radiation monitoring systems.

OSI also provides radiation safety training and instrument use training, as well as DOT training for shipping radioactive waste.